Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Bird is the Word

I'll get in to why I posted this a little later. For now, enjoy the crazy.

Thursday, 10 February 2011

....I Guess I Shouldn't Have Worn That Dress

I was digging through some old papers the other day and found a copy of a police report I had filed 4 or 5 years ago.

I had been dating a guy I'd met through mutual friends. We actually all used to get together weekly and I'd known him for a few years at this point. Back then, I had been in a few brutal relationships and was quite pleased with the fact that this particular guy was a bit of a geek. I thought he'd be a fairly safe bet.

About 8 months in, we got into an argument. Now, I should mention that I was wearing underwear at the time. (It was later brought to my attention that it is an important part of the story.) Anyway, the argument progressed and found me lying on my back on my bed with him on top of me, his hand squeezing my face to open my mouth to allow him to kiss me and his knees prying my legs apart. Luckily for me he only weighed around 130 lbs and I managed to throw him off and kick him in the head when he flew back.

I can guarantee you that if he had weighed even 50 lbs more, it would have ended differently.

A few days later, I went to the police and spoke to the officer who was the go-to guy for sexual assaults. I told him that I didn't want to press charges, but I did want to make a statement in the event that he tried something like that with someone else, (at which point I would agree to press charges). He seemed really sympathetic while he took my report.

I later applied for a copy of the report. I was curious to see what it contained and appalled when I read what he had written.

It stated, and I quote, that I was "parading around in my underwear". As if me being in my underwear was asking for what had happened. When I first read it, I was absolutely crushed. Finding it again a few days ago made me angry. I plan to call the commissioner and file a formal complaint.

I wonder how many other women he has made to feel that way. In all honesty, it shouldn't matter if I was standing on my head naked... if I say no, it ends there. But I guess to this particular male officer, I was only asking for it.

Title link: Sex Type Thing by Stone Temple Pilots